Monday, June 29, 2009

Hello from NY

Hey everyone, it's Carrie. We got here to NY last Wednesday and I LOVE it out here!!!! It is so gorgeous and our apartment is surprisingly nice (even though it is kind of empty). I'm finally getting used to the humidity which is comparable to Florida, but we have AC so it's not too bad. I don't start my internship till next Monday, but I'm looking forward to getting in there and getting to work. I'm only about a three minute drive to the office, but I will probably be driving everywhere- thank you GPS. I think whoever did the streets here decided they wanted to make it as confusing as possible, no grid system, no logic, and streets change names as you go. I am grateful for technology. We went to church yesterday and when the organist found out I played piano and some organ she had me already playing in primary as a sub. She was one of the only piano players in the ward. I don't think I'm in Utah anymore:) Brianne, that's so cool you are already choosing your clients, have fun.Well, I'd love to hear from all of you so keep in touch!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Call for Internship Updates!

Hey all!

I miss everyone, and hope you all are doing well! Kind of crazy that we have been on the same path for four years, and now we're all moving in different directions!

I was just wondering how everyone's internships are going! Let's see, I think Elizabeth Jensen and Tatiana have also started their's. How are you guys doing? Liking it? Carrie, have you and Eric found housing?

Well, Lance and I are in an apartment about 20 minutes away from my internship. I never thought I would do so much driving! I am only in the clinic on average, for about an hour every day. Most of the clients are seen at their home. So my left arm is getting pretty tan from all of the driving. I love my internship! I get to finalize which clients I will be working with this week. I don't think I've ever heard of so many crazy diseases before, so I'm learning a lot. Anyway, I miss everyone and would love to hear updates!